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Creating an in-app livestream feature for Live Nation's mobile app.



Live Nation is a ticketing platform and promoter of live performances and artists. However, they do not provide any livestream options on their mobile app for any of their events.

Our goal was to provide an immersive digital live performance experience for users who do not feel safe in crowds amidst the Covid-19 pandemic.

Role:  wireframing mockup for in-app livestream experience.

Tools: Figma | Miro | Optimal sort | the Marvelapp.

Research methods: User interview | competitive analysis | card sort.


How do we make a livestream as engaging as attending an in-person performance?

How do we integrate these feature seamlessly within the sitemap?


To create a mockup showcasing how to access a live stream performance via the Live Nation mobile app.

Interview analysis suggests that users feel more engaged when interacting with other members.


We interviewed Live Nation's Users about their experiences attending a live event in person or through an online platform.

Once the data was collected, we transcribed it into an affinity map to establish trends and patterns.


The most successful streaming platforms allow their users to interact with each other.


We wanted to know what features made a streaming platform successful and how they were integrated to make a good experience.

By looking at other platforms , we learned that we needed to provide a space for users to create a community.



I created an option for a global and private chat so users can have as much interaction with other audience members.

My team and I started conceptualizing "The Nation" , a space that would bring users together oustise of live-events to start developing a sense of community and engagement prior to an event.

We looked at other platforms that provide a streaming experience to learn about industry standards.


Emily represents the typical user of the app and shares their frustrations and needs.

Emily helped us explore the best way to streamline our design decisions using the features from the competitive and comparative analysis.


Needs and Goals



A safe way to attend a live performance during the pandemic. To feel connected with the audience and performers. An engaging livestream experience.

Not being able to share excitement with artist and audience members. Feeling unsafe at live events. 

Follows covid-related guidelines and rules. Attends entertainment events 5-7 times per year. Gets distracted easily.

This User flow represents  Emily's happy path after puchasing a ticket for a livestream event


During sketch ideation I drew inspiration from the competitors and user needs.


We conducted a card sort exercise to create an intuitive sitemap.


We collected participants from the same pool of interviewees and conducted a card sort excercise.

Participants were asked to rearrange  the app's page hierarchy based on what was more intuitive to them.


Created a header where users can access their account, favorites, and inbox at all times.

Developed the in-house livestream experience accessible from "Livestream" on the homepage. 

Popular Placements Matrix


New Site Map


High Fidelity Prototype ( joining livestream )


High Fidelity Prototype (Global and Private Chat)


Developing The Nation

“The Nation” is what we called the community page. this is where users would be able to interact with each other outside of a livestream.

In future iterations, this conceptual feature would help in creating a “culture” and set the groundwork for engaging users onto the livestream.