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Lil Baby's Bushwick (LBB) is a small establishment located in an artsy neighborhood in Brooklyn, NY. They are a tattoo shop dedicated to providing their clientele with an inclusive tattoo experience while advocating for self expression.

LBB's major struggle was conveying that same message on their website. My job was to translate their passion for inclusion onto their online platform.

Role: UX/UI designer & researcher.

Tools: Figma | Miro | Optimal sort.

Research methods:  Heuristic Review | User interviews | Usability testing | Competitive analysis, Card sorting


1. Navigation lacked proper information architecture structure.

2. It was hard for users to connect with LBB's vision and artists. 


1. Improve overall UI/UX of the website relevant to their goals and services.

2. Develop a clear brand that represents what LBB is all about.

In order to better understand the interface and available features of the site, I performed a heuristic analysis


I identified all services and features available on the site as well as any pain points I had come across. These observation guided the following steps in the research process.


Pain points

It is difficult for the user to asses the artists' work based off of the available information on the website.

Artists' work is hard to see and sometimes the images do not expand.

In order to see the artists full portfolio, you are redirected to Instagram.

Pain points

There is no call to action button to book a consultation on the entire site.

The symbol to book a consultation is only found on the landing page.


Translating user interviews into actionable items was one of the main challenges in generative research.


I started the interview process by identifying my user base as individuals who have scheduled online consultations for a tattoo.

Through the interviews, I learned that users wanted to be able to establish a rapport with their artist even before meeting with them in person.

 These are some of the user interviews observations.


Only 33% of users were able to figure out how to book a consultation, while the rest gave up before completing their given tasks.


At this point I had to figure out how to increase user's ability to establish a rapport with the site and artists even before meeting with them in person.

I decided to perform an initial round of usability testing to see how users would interact with the site and if additional pain points would surface. Users were asked two tasks:

1. Select an artist you would be interested in.

2. Book a consultaion with the given artist.

The research uncovered 2 different kinds of users, both of whom are represented by Nate and Alana.


Newbie Nate, 19, NYC


To save money from every transaction | wants to get a tattoo as soon as possible | needs his hand held during and after the process of getting a tattoo.


Has committment issues | gets overwhelmed easily when presented with new information | Does not like to wait a long time to get what he wants.


Tatted Alana, 28, NYC


To establish a rapport with her artist of interest | to have a diverse network of creativity to find inspiration | to network with as many artists as possible.


Not being able to communicate with an artist before going in person | Artists who aren't passionate about their work | dififcult website navigation.


Below are some of the lo-fi prototypes that were used to test potential design solutions.

Home Page


Artist Page


Artist Bio


Consultation Form


My design decisions were validated through the competitors, who more successfully were able to address the pain points I had discovered.

Direct competitor: AtelierEva


Many of the direct competitors failed to show clear call to action buttons to book consultations and easy access to contact information.

Amongst all of the competitors, AtelierEva, succesfully adressed these pain points.  We can see that:

1. The call to action button is easily found on the  right corner of the screen

2. Each artist had their own page to showcase their work 

3. Relevant contact information was found on the footer

Lil Baby's Bushwick New design

Next Steps

Developing an interface for an online consultation experience, which will allow users to meet with an artist from the shop so they can choose the right fit for them.